Monday 13 June 2011

Audience profile
This is my survey i had to do to achieve my target for this work. This was a research about my audience i had to do for my audience profile.


My target audience are mostly the ages from 10-15 mostly, this shows that a they are in the young generation. And they are mostly females. Also they mainly prefer   to listen to music, and R&B is the most that they listen to.
This shows they are up to the new generation’s sort of music which is mostly loud and funky it is much different to the old generation. I found from my audience that they prefer using the internet allots in their day to day life like they use it for revision for exams as they are doing their GCSE’s.
Also they use social networks to contact with their friends and they like to be up to date with friend’s activities. The audience uses up to date technology. She uses facebook as a way to keep in touch with friends. All of my audience possibly consider online and telephone banking. My audience do not have a credit card, as they are they are under age of 18 and have no job.
The majority of my audience have dog(s), cat(s) and mice(s).And i found out that my audience mostly have 3 and more credit card.  Last and not lets my audience pay for audience up to 0-5pounds and 16-25.